Extended Support for Production Outages
If your organization has purchased Extended Support, you can obtain around the clock support for any Severity 1 (Production Outage) issues. Per our support policy the Extended Support policy covers Production Outages only.
If your organization does not have Extended Support, Sonatype will provide technical consultation and advice related to the Sonatype products and solutions to Authorized Support Contacts between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in your local time zone, Monday through Friday but excluding Sonatype's holidays.
Please ensure your list of authorized support contacts are kept up-to-date.
How to Submit a Production Outage Incident ( Extended Support )
- Go to https://SUPPORT.sonatype.com
- Click the top right Sign In button and authenticate
- It is critical you sign in before submitting the incident to ensure we are notified
- The person signing in must be an authorized support contact so the system can validate you have an Extended Support agreement with Sonatype.
- Click Submit a request at the top right of the page header to open the new request form.
- In the menu item How Can We Help You choose one of these options:
- Product related Question or Issue
- License Renewal, Expiration, Installation
Important: In the menu item How is this impacting your business? choose:
I have a complete PRODUCTION system outage and all work is blocked
- Fill out the other required fields and click Submit
The more information you provide with the initial ticket request, the faster we will be able to assist you. When possible, providing any/all of the following will greatly accelerate our ability to help you quickly:
- A meaningful subject line - not just "Problem" or "Outage"
- The exact product and product version (you can enter these during ticket creation)
- The exact error message you received
- What were you doing at the time of the error
- Have you already tried any recovery steps? Which ones? (to avoid duplication of effort)
- A support zip (usually not possible during an outage - but immensely helpful when possible to provide)
- Any other information that will be relevant to helping us help you